Low Frequency or High frequency RFID for Industrial use?

All LF tags have a slow data rate as the rf bandwidth available at LF is limited. Communication speed between tag and reader is only 5.2 Kb/s. in the command direction and 2 or 4 kb/sin the reply direction.
HF tags: The bandwidth available is much more generous than LF and generally available at 100 kb/s and the reader and tag data transfer rate is guaranteed at 26kb/s.
Memory size: All LF tags have such a slow data rate that they can only have a small memory. This is because the time required by LF tags to access a larger memory increases the time needed to read and write to the tag to unacceptable levels. HF tags on the other hand, because of higher data rate have a significant speed advantage and this translates directly into the ability to be able to read and write larger memory.
All rf communication protocols use cyclic redundancy check ( CRC) to confirm the accuracy of the data conveyed. LF tags do not have a satisfactory RC as their slow speed limits their crc to an 8 bit check, Where as HF uses 16 bit command and 32 bit in reply.
HF uses ISO 15693 data transfer protocol.( International standard) and good for interoperability.
Looking for an industrial automation solution using RFID?
write to : savineer@yahoo.com
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