There are not many out of box RFID solutions. Each solution is unique and has to be studied and required solution architecture ( software, hardware architecture,integration methodology and tagging strategy) has to be designed.
Monday, February 26, 2007
RFID for safety
Data pertaining to individual access levels can be controlled by embedding active rfid tags into the helmets/Headgear and data can be logged into the systems.
The medical record informaion of the miners and the construction workers/ factory personnel can be stored and allowed access depending on their health conditions.
Looking for active/passive tag RFID solutions in industrial/ construction and mining environment?
Graduate In Electronics Communications Engineering Worked in North America , Europe, middle east in various capacities and in core industries
His interests in automatic identification technologies arose from the observations made by him on Flawless Bombay dabbawallah's lunch box supply system while living in Bombay as an young engineer wayback in 1978. He is a keen observer of nature's coding to separately identify living beings.
He has extensive experience in automatic identification technologies, developing technical architecture, requirement analysis, systems integration, project planning. Worked in the core sectors of telecommunication, manufacturing, research, Health care, Govt. administration.
He has Implemented large projects Presently with a limited company as Vice president and heading RFID initiatives and providing solutions to all industries and in particular Pharma/ Health care Industry for supply chain management, logistics and anti counterfeiting applications.
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