Friday, December 22, 2006

RFID for Access Control

Well, RFID can be a boon in reducing the transaction time and for shortening the time in access control. A mere flash of the card and walking through a turnstile will be a pleasurable experience for any one.

These days young people are preferring to get them chipped.. inserting a chip into their hand for identification and to pass through access control systems installed at the clubs, pubs and other places.

Have a look at the chip implanted hand. A mere waving of your hand near the reader will give you access. No more cards and the best part is your ID is permanently installed.

Wanna pay/play with the chip in the skin?


RFID: Real Fast Information and Data

RFID : Radio Frequency IDentification

Contactless ATM cards..

I am sure some of us one time or other forgot to take away the card from the ATM card slot. Even for the meticulous organizer, there is a possible occassion to miss it.

Imagine you have an ATM card and you flash it and then key in your PIN and follow the instructions to complete the transaction. This is going to be your future ATM transaction. you will not forget the card and the most important thing is the transaction is completed relatively quick.

Imagine similar applications like boarding a bus, a Metro or entering an amusement park, theatre in a jiffy.

Can you think of many other applications ?

More next time.
