Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mail box with Ethernet RFID reader

Good old mail boxes will be replaced at the destination and the Postboxes deployed at various places for dropping the mail.
advantage no 1; the mail will be collected when it contains a letter.
RFID postal stamps can be read with these ethernet RFID readers.
Letter from beloved is quickly identified. Notifications possible.

Looking for futuristic solution architecture for your mail boxes?
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Safe Kids TOYS and authentic branded products

Enormous amount of fakes reaches the market once a toy become popular. ther will be look alikes and clones and variants passing off as originals.

Looking for RFID solution for your exclusive collection?
Be it branded footwear, eye wear, sport wear and fashion apparel

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for solution architecture and implementation methodology.


RFID for Linen management

Questions such as " when was this last washed ?" are frequently asked by health inspectors. This question becomes paramount importance, when it comes to the linen of hospital operation theatre. There are standards to replace the linen in Hotels, nursing homes, Hospitals and Golf clubs. The number of times a particular item used can be controlled and the inventory can be effectively managed with RFID.

Looking for a turnkey solution?

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Peg counts over the Bar

Prepaid RFID cards for patrons at the bar?

looking for a robust solution to handle the customers and to keep count of the drinks served?

Ask for a solution architecture and implementation methodology.

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RFID for video and Game Parlours

Still working with coins?

Coins have to be inserted and collected back at regular intervals. It is time consuming. the time access can be provided with RFID cards. Most importantly these cards can be reused or diposed off , Since rfid cards are uniquely numbered, they are manageable and can be reloaded with money and points can be written.

Looking for a solution with varied features for better financial returns?

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RFID in Examination Process

The career of a student depends largely on the various exams held at the state and the national level. For the fair conduct of examinations, it is important to hide the identity of the candidate from the person who is evaluating the answer sheets. It is also important to complete the entire examination process and especially the evaluation process and the declaration of the results as quickly as possible.

RFID techniques can be used in the examination processes. The student’s name, roll number, examination center code and any other required information will be written onto a RFID label which will be fixed to the students answer sheet. By using encryption and write blocking techniques, we can ensure that there will not be any unauthorized reading or writing of RFID label. Hence the whole process of using dummy numbers becomes unnecessary and the identity can still be kept unknown to the evaluator.

Looking for a complete solution?

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EPC compliant solutions?

Are you looking for epc compliant solutions and establish slap and ship facility at packaging and despatch department ?

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RFID is not plug and play, it requires site study and robust solution architecture for large scale implementations. If you are serious on tangible ROI, ask for requirement analysis and implementation strategy and methodology


RFID for Lubricant cans, bulk drugs containers

RFID tags can be embedded into the seals of the cans/containers and tracked all along its supply chain at manufacturing warehouses and other warehouses at distribution centers.

Tamper proof RFID seals can be provided to ensure the right content are reaching the end user.

These containers can be tracked at warehouse inbound and out bound gates for logistic information.

looking for a solution to tag containers/ cans?

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Tired of scanning barcodes?

You thought being behind bars is the only way to get identified?

Are you still barrico(a)ding your warehouses?

Look beyond barcodes

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for a requirement analysis to improve your business process with auto ID technologies


Customer relationship management

Manufacturers have to support some of the products like cars for considerable amount of time.

Customer loyalty management is an issue to be taken seriously by manufacturers and their appointed distributor and dealers network in this highly competitive environment.

Looking for a solution to maintain better relationship with customers?

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RFID for specimen study and management

Educational, research institutions stock lot of specimens for study at regular intervals. Identifying these specimens and studying their attributes in class rooms and reearch labs is a routine task.

RFID labels/tags can be embedded into these speimens and can be tracked and traced during their life time usage.

looking for a solution to track specimen in tissue culture labs, research and educational institutions?

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Identifying rightful owner

IT assets and hand held instruments in Hospitals/maintenance shops change hands frequently to accomplish tasks.

How do we identify the tool from a department if it looks similar?

Looking for an RFID solution and tagging strategy?

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Warehouses-Logistics and workflow management

Palettes, SKUs( stock keeping units) are stored in ware houses and the inbound and outbound logistics and work flow has to be managed effectively.

Looking for a RFID solution to manage large ware houses?

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Voter ID card, Ration Card, National ID card, PAN card, Provident fund/social security card

Voter ID card, Ration Card, National ID card, PAN card, Provident fund/social security card, driving license, Vehicle registration card, etc...
Can we make all this into one?

Let us reLook at the way we do and discuss how we can reduce this into a single card

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IT asset management

IT assets are replaced at faster rate due to the better versions reaching the market at furious pace. laptops and desktops and other peripherals move in and out of the premises and they have to be tracked and physically verified at periodical intervals.

To understand the best tagging strategy and to ensure proper asset management, write to:


RFID for Indoor Games

Keeping track of scores of multiple boards in a tournament?

RFID technology can help you flashing scores instantaneously associated with each game and participants.

want to learn how you can achieve this?
write to:


RFID for exclusive jewellery items

Inventory management and ascertaining genuine source for better cusomer relationship and brand management is the prime requirement of a jewelry stores.

Looking for RFID solution for Jewelry management?

To discuss tagging strategy, and solution architecture, write to:


RFID for Billiard , snooker pools

Entry to snooker, billiard playing areas can be restricted with RFID cards and access control systems. RFID tags can be embedded into these balls and scanned from overhead for flashing scores instantaneously. Color coded balls can be recognized with the data of their attributes.
Interesting? Looking for similar solutions ?


RFID for AeroSpace Industry

Space Industry launches various satellites and take tourists into space. Their mission critical operations require testing at various stages. During the assembly of parts from various vendors and sources, there is a need to track and trace the component at each stage of testing. Monitoring and analysis of success/ failure of each component/subsystem can be effectively handledby embedding RFID tags in to these.

Looking for a Track and trace solution for the aerospace industry?

Write to discuss on tagging strategy ( tag selection and implementation),selection of readers, middleware, integration support
