Friday, February 02, 2007

Morphing/ securing data for Privacy worries

Worried about skimming?

RFID data can be encrypted or morphed or stored as abstract form to protect the privacy of individuals. Even if the data is collected, it may not be useful unless it is decrypted or restored to original form.

Looking for secure RFID solutions?

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Is it right time for RFID implementation?

How long you wait for cheap chips to arrive?
Or Are you concerned with privacy issues? or not sure, which RFID frequency to use for your application?

Productivity is of concern to the industry bosses and ROI has to be viewed and examined for the RFID implementation.

Innovation starts with an understanding of business and technology trends and their potential impact on your business.

RFID technology is likely to impact on processes such as manufacturing, logistics, distribution and in-store operations. Think creatively about your business drivers and potential applications.

Combine new and old technologies – in most cases, new will not immediately replace old. For example, RFID will not replace bar codes within the next five years in the retail industry or in express services. These technologies will co-exist for some time and your organization needs to support both.

Senior managers need to devise a long-term strategy for RFID adoption, providing a framework for the organization to make investment decisions .

Looking for your existing business process improvement with RFID technology?

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Low Frequency or High frequency RFID for Industrial use?

All LF tags have a slow data rate as the rf bandwidth available at LF is limited. Communication speed between tag and reader is only 5.2 Kb/s. in the command direction and 2 or 4 kb/sin the reply direction.
HF tags: The bandwidth available is much more generous than LF and generally available at 100 kb/s and the reader and tag data transfer rate is guaranteed at 26kb/s.

Memory size: All LF tags have such a slow data rate that they can only have a small memory. This is because the time required by LF tags to access a larger memory increases the time needed to read and write to the tag to unacceptable levels. HF tags on the other hand, because of higher data rate have a significant speed advantage and this translates directly into the ability to be able to read and write larger memory.

All rf communication protocols use cyclic redundancy check ( CRC) to confirm the accuracy of the data conveyed. LF tags do not have a satisfactory RC as their slow speed limits their crc to an 8 bit check, Where as HF uses 16 bit command and 32 bit in reply.

HF uses ISO 15693 data transfer protocol.( International standard) and good for interoperability.

Looking for an industrial automation solution using RFID?

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RFID for Oscars and similar awards

For unique identification and to write /storeinformation of the honoured person, RFID tags can be embedded into these statuettes.

Looking for a RFID solution for your award distribution ceremony?

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RFID for Radiology/CT/MRI/ satellite image archives

Storage and sorting image films and managing them with patient records is time consuming process. The images can be tied up with the patient record if they are uniquely identified. radiologists observations can be recorded in portable database memory of the rfid labels and can be retreived for observation.

Looking for a RFID solution to your image library?

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Identifying unambiguously with RFID

There are smart guns on the street, and we have to live with them. To protect product identity and to make sure, counterfeits do not creep into the supply chain, the prodcut has to be identified unambiguosly. Barcodes can be photocopied and still they read at the counters. Barcodes can be duplicated easily.

RFId tags embedded and tagged can be uniquely identified and inventory checks can be carried out at faster pace.

Looking for a reusable tagging strategy for your business?

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

RFID for loyalty cards

Customer Loyalty cards are tracked by a unique number and previleges are granted. Reading RFID cards is fast and tamper proof.

Looking for a loyalty management solution with RFID?
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Tracking Gas Cylinders

Gas cylinders used for domestic cooking purpose or industrial and medical applications have to be periodically inspected and tracked for the number of fillings and usage. To gather such vital information, the cylinders have to be uniquely identified. Barcodes can be stuck to these, but they get damaged due to the rigours of their deployment and movement all along the supply chain.

RFID tags can be embedded/ stuck to these cylinders and can be tracked at the filling stations and at distribution centers. Inventory management and the life cycle management can be effectively carried out.

Looking for a RFID solution to track gas cylinders?

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RFID for the Bars

*Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim or handle of their ceramic cups. When they needed refill, they used the whistle to get some service. "Wet your whistle" is the phrase inspired by this practice.

Chip your cup will be the present scenario.

looking for an upgrade for your Bar with RFID?

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

RFID for exotic plants and Green houses

Tissue culture labs store and nurture/culture germplasm and grow plants in the lab before they are transferred to controlled greenhouses.

To record the observations and developments, the petridishes/flasks and the plants have to be uniquely identified.

RFID tags can be embedded into these and periodic observations can be recorded.

Looking for a tagging strategy and hardware infrastructure to achieve this?

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

RFID and Biometrics

Once the attributes of an individual finger print are gathered, an abstract image can be developed and stored in an RFID label/tag/card and can be retreived for verification on demand. It can be an iris image attribute or hand geometry or facial profile. Storing an entire image can be an infringement of privacy and also puts strain on memory resources.
The image profile in data form can be encrypted with algorythms and can be securely transacted on demand by authorities.

Looking for a robust ID program at National level?

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Monday, January 29, 2007

RFID for Dreamers

Wow... Look at the diamonds studded dress!

Lots of people look at the dresses on the mannequins and imagine how they look when they wear them. There is a way to encash from such dreamers in stores. Provide them RFID cards and let them flash infront of the mannequin ( mannequin can contain an RFID reader... ask me how to install one) . The computersimulates how she would look like once her profile is captured with a video camera.

Interesting? ask for a complete solution

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